Desert pallid bat (Antrozous pallidus)
† = undergraduate mentee, * = Co-first author
Rachman, R. M., Curti, J. N.*, terHorst, C., Shaffer, H. B. Invasive plants are associated with increased fire frequency but decreased burn severity in Southern California shrubland ecosystems. PLOS ONE (Submitted)
Hoffman, S. G.†, Benson, L. R.†, Philson, C. S., Chock, R. Y., Curti, J. N., Flores‐Negrón, C. F., & Grether, G. F. (2024). Reduction in mutualistic ant aggressive behavior upon sugar supplementation. Biotropica, 56(6), e13390.
Curti, J. N., Barton, M., Flores, R. G.†, Lechner, M.†, Lipman, A. J., Montgomery, G. A., Park, A. Y.†, Rochel, K., Tingley, M. W. (2024) Using Unstructured Crowd-sourced Data to Evaluate Urban Tolerance of Terrestrial Native Species within a California Mega-City. PLoS ONE 19(5): e0295476.
Curti, J. N., Fraser, D., Escalona, M., Faibairn, C. W., Sacco, S., Sahasrabudhe, R., Nguyen, O., Seligmann, W., Sudmant, P. H., Toffelmier, E., Vazquez, J. M., Wayne, R., Shaffer, H. B., and Buchalski, M. R. (2024) A genome assembly of the Yuma myotis bat, Myotis yumanensis. Journal of Heredity, 115(1), 139-148.
Curti, J. N., Fergus, C. E., & Palma-Dow, A. A. D. (2021). State of the ART: Using artificial refuge traps to control invasive crayfish in southern California streams. Freshwater Science, 40(3), 000-000.
De Palma-Dow, A. A., Curti, J. N., & Fergus, C. E. (2020). It’s a Trap! An evaluation of different passive trap types to effectively catch and control the invasive red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) in streams of the Santa Monica Mountains. Management of Biological Invasions, 11(1), 44.
Sastre, N., Francino, O., Curti, J.N., Armenta, T.C., Fraser, D.L., Kelly, R.M., Hunt, E., Silbermayr, K., Zewe, C., Sánchez, A. and Ferrer, L. (2016). Detection, prevalence and phylogenetic relationships of Demodex spp and further skin prostigmata mites (Acari, Arachnida) in wild and domestic mammals. PLoS One, 11(11), e0165765.